Inner Plane Transmissions

Healing is not always apparent

Aug 02, 2022

The Healing Journey

Healing in the healing journey isn't always apparent.  Sometimes it seems the exact opposite is occurring.  You may be calling in peace and clarity, and then your whole world gets disrupted.  All the patterns you are trying to move away from, seem to become the very things that are exaggerated. It may feel like "Same shit, different day"

But these are the very places seeking the healing.  It's not about the parts of yourself that know or are connected to the whole of who you are.  It's about the places that don't remember. The fractured aspects operating from a trauma place (any separation from the WHOLE self.)

 Healing doesn't happen by just moving forward with the "good" parts, it's the transformation that happens within & through... when depths of the depths, of the depths, of the depths connects and meets itself within its true Essence, its Divinity.

An alchemy of all parts... nothing added in, nothing taken away.


Your external experiences imprint internal belief systems, and most of your belief systems are subconscious. Neuroscience has found 95% of your life is run by your subconscious.  These belief systems are innate, brilliant systems that are meant to be there to help you cope & survive. They exist without you having to even think about them.  But they also continue operating with a coding from situations & experiences where you coped/survived- from seemingly small to big aspects in your life.

When the trauma & wounded self arises as you call forth healing, if you push & discard it away, or meet it with judgment, criticism, blame, expectations ... that's the only place from which it can exist.

The very thing that doesn't feel good- holds keys and gifts of wisdom through which it is waiting to deepen your understanding and relation to yourself and the world around you.

If you push & discard it away, or meet it with judgment, criticism, blame, expectations... that's the only place from which it can exist. And that... feeds into EVERY aspect of your life- your relationships, your work, your desires, what & how you create & with yourself and others.

The very thing that doesn't feel good- holds keys and gifts of wisdom through which it is waiting to deepen your understanding and relation to yourself and the world around you.



Looking for More Support to move the energy behind the physical?

Contraction Medicine, Expansion Vibes

 â™ˇ All my love â™ˇ




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