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Single Quantum Energy Sessions


These sessions are designed to help nourish and support & help move the energy behind the physical in day to day life experiences. Universal, and yet personal in how it relates to you.  You can listen to them multiple times, and each time you do, the energy will move faster & deeper within you.

Working with me 1:1

New Client Soul Mapping Session

$888 3 hours

First Session

Unveil the Interwoven Medicine of Your Experiences & Discover the Healing Power Within Your Life's Tapestry

  • Here we explore your journey into your current world and see what is ready to shift in honoring your story
  • We begin the co-creation here to see where the energy fields are distorted, bent or broken & see where your unique Blueprint wants to be heard and brought into balance

4 week Tune In


4 Quantum Energy Sessions

This month container is dedicated to fostering a focused energy cultivation with your intentions. 

  • Each week nourished by a 90 minute Quantum Energy session, a combination of Co-creation coaching + tapping into the core essence energetics behind the physical to cultivate, shift & amplify this energy.
  • Realigning & Harmonizing the Physical, Mental, Emotional & Spiritual bodies
  • Personal channeled integration practices
  • Recorded sessions you can revisit any time, further shifting and deepening the energy 

6 Session Package


6 x 90 min Quantum Energy Sessions

A journey designed to nourish and enrich every facet of your mind, body, emotions & spirit with tailored Quantum Energy Sessions

  •  Being nourished with 6x 90 min Quantum Energy Sessions, a combination of Co-reation Coaching + tapping into the core essence energetics
  • Each session is a deep dive into the realms of your inner self, where we work together to unlock the innate wisdom & rhythm of your being.
  • Flexible Scheduling: An immersive sacred container scheduled as needed to align with your personal growth and development timeline.
  • Personal Channeled integration practices
  • Recorded sessions you can revisit any time, further shifting and deepening the energy

**To ensure the effective cultivation of energy, all sessions must be used within 6 months

3 or 6 month 1:1 Mentorship


Collapse Time

In this transformative energy space, we collapse time in the healing process by directly addressing the subtle yet impactful energy cords entangled in everyday life, which are often tied to outdated survival and coping mechanisms

  • Unlock and assimilate subtle energy adjustments that, although minor, serve as significant conduits for communication, bringing your energy into harmony with your natural rhythms and responding to your system's current needs..
  • This journey supports the recalibration of your energy and honors the wisdom of your inner truth and knowledge.
  • Voxer Support: Being able to reach out to me on Voxer whenever you need. Consider it like having me right there with you in your daily life, offering a high level of support to guide you through any challenges and peel away the layers that obscure your true self, enabling you to embrace and live out your unique magic. My responding hours are Monday-Friday, between 9 AM and 5 PM.
  • Receive one 90-minute Quantum Energy Session each month to deepen the integration of your energy, with the option to add more sessions as you feel called.  

It's a process of deep transformation that respects the complexity of human experience, while also honoring the soul's capacity for rapid evolution.

**Currently, there are two openings available for this deeply supportive and transformative experience.