Inner Plane Transmissions

The Magick of this exact moment

Nov 19, 2019

No matter where you are in your healing journey... you are exactly where you are meant to be.

There is no wrong place, no need to compare yourself to where you think you should or shouldn't be, or who you are or are not.  Right now is where the alchemy is happening.

♡ This exact moment is the portal between two worlds of what has been and what is becoming.. â™ˇ

 A truly magical moment.

This is the magic that’s not always obvious... it’s not seen unless you with intention take the time to drop into it.  Because even a deep sigh from exhaustion whispers to connect into the body to look.

And sometimes looking into where we are in the moment can seem and feel scary, as so much of the way we’ve seen or see ourself runs first through the filters of our experiences. These summations of ourself may seem to be black & white and linear (the having or not having, the being or not being, where we’ve been vs where we want to be).

Yet the wisdom of the past is being summoned.

It is an innate wildness that we are a part of- not bound by time but rather an internal rhythm summoning us to hear its potency and reconnect.  When we tune in, our presence opens revelations around what is considered to be “mundane life"- actually contains the substance of creation.  This exact moment is offering a chance to refine what has been- into what can be. What is asking to be seen, healed, released, nurtured, transmuted in the fire or created as what is becoming is formed? 

 Every moment, even the "in-between" places of your life are a potent process of your true self emerging.  It is there, waiting for you to bathe in the magic of the moment, the magic of becoming.

The chrysalis

Just as the caterpillar transforms into a butterfly, it must completely dissolve it's former self.  These parts aren't shed or discarded, rather it becomes literal goo to be digested- much like our experiences are meant to be.  A deep innate wisdom unfolds as all these cells that have turned to "nothingness" alchemize in the moment as "imaginal discs" morphing into exactly what they are meant to be.

In the magic of this exact moment, you are in the midst of forming your next creation..

This moment contains that same innate wisdom unfolding into what it is meant to be.  It reverberates through cosmic webs, witnessed under stars and across dimensions through this portal of our human life. 

This magical space that is creation in motion is a chance to get to know ourself on a deeper level in the now.  There is a potency when we can drop in and see ourself



The unique blueprint of the soul awakens. It is there to offer up wisdom of all the places that have felt not good enough or unlovable are actually a part of what is calling you to transform it like the chrysalis. It is there to remind you what is meant to come from you and who you are is filled with limitless possibilities that echoes into the universe.

 "The Cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff.  We are a way for the universe to know itself" -Carl Sagan

So ask yourself...

In this exact moment what is calling to me?

What is summoning me to see it- so I can digest from what has been?

What is the wisdom take away from the experiences of the past into this present moment?

How can I use that to refine and put into the magic that I am creating that is unfolding?



As Above, So Below


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